Get Involved

Events and ministries to help you and your family grow in your faith.



9:00am: Faithbuilders Sunday School – Conference Room

9:00am: Vineyard Sunday School – Parlor

10:00am: Coffee & Donuts – Taylor Family Hall

10:30am: Worship Service – Sanctuary

12:00pm: Communion available – Chapel

7:00pm: Encounter Young Adults – Room 226


10:00am: Weekly Prayer Gathering – Chapel

7:00pm: Scouting BSA for boys ages 11-17 – Taylor Family Hall

7:00pm: Scouting BSA for girls ages 11-17 – Kids Church Room


6:30pm: Cub Scouts for families with children ages 6-10 – Youth Center

7:30pm: Band of Brothers Men's Bible Study – Taylor Family Hall


9:30am: Women's Bible Study – Parlor

6:30pm: Family Night – Facility-Wide

6:30pm: Women’s Bible Study – Off-Campus

7:00pm: Deeper Connection Bible Study – Off-Campus


10:30am: Friendship Club – Taylor Family Hall

6:30pm: Women's Bible Study – Online

7:00pm: Choir Rehearsal – Parlor


Family Night

Wednesdays - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Ladies Study - Parlor

Find Your People by Jennie Allen. This study offers practical solutions for creating true community in a world that's both more connected and more isolating than ever before. Register online by January 7th.

Men of Purpose - Office

Daniel: Set Apart and Sent by Brian Barnett. Join our Men's Bible Study for fellowship, discussion, and spiritual growth. Dive deep into Scripture and strengthen your faith journey with fellow brothers in Christ.

Parenting Study - Taylor Family Hall

Habits of the Household Study: Simple Practices to Help You and Your Family Draw Closer to God by Justin Whitmel Earley. Join our Parenting Bible Study for practical insights and biblical guidance on raising children in the faith. Connect with other parents and grow together in your parenting journey.

Takeover Youth - Room 226

Middle and high school students will learn tools for Bible study, helping them get excited and invested in their walk with Christ.

Bedrock Kids - Kids Center, 2nd Floor

Preschool & Kindergarten — Hands on Bible

Elementary children — Bible Discovery

Nursery available for infants and toddlers

Other Ministries & Small Groups

Men's Connect - Parlor

All men are invited to this monthly small group gathering to meet with Pastor Scott for a casual and informational lunch to talk, pray, and develop relationships. A different meal each month for cost of $10. Reservations required. Contact

Breakfast Bunch - Off-Campus

A co-ed Bible Study led by Pastor John Bryant will meet on the second Wednesday of the month. Join them for fellowship, scripture discussion, and prayer.

Band of Brothers - Tuesdays at 7:00pm

Bible Study open to all men to connect and grow together with other men as they study God's Word, meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Taylor Family Hall.

Women's Bible Study - Morning, evening, and online groups

Open to all women who wish to study God's Word and fellowship together. We will study Believing Jesus by Lisa Harper, a study of the book of Acts. Morning, evening, and online groups meet to watch DVD series by great Bible teachers, then gather in small groups to discuss.

Deeper Connection - Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Adult Bible Study to study and grow in understanding of God's Word. Offsite in a nearby home.

Encounter Young Adults - Sundays at 7:00pm

Young adults, 18-35 years old gather Sunday nights in Room 226 to study God's Word and fellowship together for community, Biblical teachings and small group time.


Friendship Club - Taylor Family Hall

(3rd Thursday of the month)

Monthly gathering for seniors 55+. A time of fellowship, fun and food, with programs offering varying topics of interest, inspiration and entertainment.

Seniors on the Go - Off-Campus

(1st Thursday of the month)

For seniors 55+. A day trip adventure by bus to a different location each month. Fun, fellowship and food fill each trip.

Sunday Mornings

Faith Builders Sunday School - Conference Room

(9:00am) Co-ed, multi-aged class where members grow together studying and discussing different topics from a Biblical perspective.

The Vineyard Class Sunday School - Parlor

(9:00am) Bible teaching, hymn singing, prayer, sharing and fellowship each week. Open to all - young, old, singles, couples

Bedrock Kids Ministry - Kids Center, 2nd Floor

Children K-3 through 5th grade begin in Big Church (the Sanctuary). After the kids message, all children meet in the Lobby and proceed to their appropriate age areas (Kinder Church and Kids Church) to further dive into the kids message and complete exciting age-appropriate activities.

The nursery is open for infants, toddlers and two-year-olds.

Volunteer Opportunities

Thrift Shop

Volunteers Needed

Our Thrift Shop has served our community for nearly 70 years! With the holidays coming, stop by to find a gift, donate gently used items, or volunteer a few hours a week. Open Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri., and Sat., 9:00am - Noon.

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Photography & Videography Team

Help share our church's story! We're looking for volunteers to capture photos and videos during services and events. No experience needed—training provided! Contact Emily Goodenow for more information.

At-Home Congregation Team

Making calls, visits, and sending cards helps keep the members of our church family physically unable to attend church activities connected with us.

More info: Sharon Gibboney

Sunday Hospitality Team

Preparing coffee, setting out food, cleaning up from our BICC Café Fellowship Time - That is what our Hospitality Team does each week. If this sounds like something you could do once a month, or every fifth Sunday, please contact: Karen Piccinini

Communion Steward

Our communion steward prepares the communion elements. Assistants before and after the service are needed. If you would be willing to help approximately once a month, please contact: Karen Piccinini

Hospital Visitation

Our pastors are available to visit and support congregation members who are in the hospital. If you or someone from our church family is hospitalized, please contact the church office or email Pastor Sondra Lehr.

Street Eats Bags

Supplies needed

Street Eats is an ongoing ministry through which the members of Belle Isle Community Church can assist homeless individuals in our community. It is a tangible way for you to express God’s love to those who are hungry. The following supplies are supplies we need on a regular basis. Please consider donating any of the following in INDIVIDUAL serving sizes. We appreciate all donations, however, we are unable to use large cans, any foods that need to be prepared or heated up, or expired items.

  • Individual bottles of water or Gatorade
  • Individual-sized fruit cups with peel-back lids
  • Cheese or peanut butter crackers
  • Granola or cereal Bars
  • Packs of gum or mints
  • Meat sticks, Vienna sausages, or other types of individually-wrapped non-perishable protein

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Great things are happening at Belle Isle Community Church