
Providing Care and Support for the Body and the Community



Purpose Area Service

Contributing with your God given talents, gifts, and abilities to effectively minister in the BICC body and community. Look for opportunities noted in the newsletter, bulletin, or ask at the Welcome Kiosk. 

Contact: Karen Piccinini

Leadership Team

The elected officers of the church make up the Leadership Team. Officers must be church members and serve for one calendar year in both administrative and ministerial roles of church leadership after election at the fall Church Charge Conference authorized by the District Superintendent.

Contact: A list of the Leadership Team is available in the Info Wall Rack

Office Reception Desk

During church office hours, Monday-Thursday, 9:00am - 4:00pm you will find a friendly Reception Desk Care Team Member greeting you in person or on the phone. This team works in half day shifts fulfilling a variety of general office tasks.  

Contact: Beverly Grothe, Melodee Burns

Pew Maintenance Ministry

A small team weekly tidies the pew racks in the Sanctuary and Chapel and refills the cards and sharpens pencils. Additional help is always welcome. 

Contact: Marcia Meyer

Disaster Recovery Ministry

The faith community plays a unique and important role in disaster preparation, response and recovery. BICC participates in collaboration with other churches, emergency management officials and the Disaster Recovery Ministry of the Florida Conference of the Global Methodist Church. 

Contact: Carl Baumer

Thrift Shop

A ministry of the church offering the community slightly used clothing and small household items at thrifty pricing. Proceeds support Missions and Seniors’ ministries. Donations of gently used clothing and small household items are always appreciated and may be brought to 717 E. Wallace Street, M, T, W, F, Sa, 9:00am - Noon. Volunteers are welcome, too!

Contact: John Frey