Featured articles from our gifted authors
2023 Devotional Series: Knowing God By Name

Each name of God reveals one of His amazing attributes. Throughout the year, our gifted authors focused on one of these names each week in their weekly devotional series.
01/04/2024 - Shar Shalom - Prince of Peace
12/28/2023 - Jesus, Our Everlasting Father
12/14/2023 - Hope for Mary and Joseph
12/07/2023 - Wonderful Counselor
11/30/2023 - The Lifter of My Head
11/23/2023 - The Master Gardener
11/16/2023 - God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
11/09/2023 - The Way, The Truth, and The Life
11/02/2023 - The Lord is My Shepherd
10/26/2023 - Does God hear everyone's prayers?
10/19/2023 - God Answers Your Prayers
10/12/2023 - God Graciously Provides
10/05/2023 - Unchanging (Part 2)
09/21/2023 - Our Unchanging God
09/14/2023 - Revealer of Mysteries
08/31/2023 - The Potter Molds the Clay
08/03/2023 - King of the Nations
07/27/2023 - The God Who Heals You
07/20/2023 - The God Who Hears
07/13/2023 - The Lion of Judah
07/06/2023 - Elohim, God our Creator
06/29/2023 - Atik Yomin - Ancient of Days
06/22/2023 - Avi Yetomin - Father to the Fatherless
06/15/2023 - El Roi – The God Who Sees Me (Part Two)
06/08/2023 - El Roi - The God Who Sees Me
06/01/2023 - Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
05/25/2023 - God the Holy Spirit
05/18/2023 - The God Who Gave You Birth
04/27/2023 - The God Who Intercedes
04/13/2023 - Yahweh - The Sacred Name
04/06/2023 - Journey to the Cross
03/30/2023 - Kaphar - Atoning Sacrifice
03/16/2023 - Jesus, Man of Sorrows
03/02/2023 - Jesus Our Redeemer
02/16/2023 - Our God of All Comfort
02/09/2023 - Elohim Qarob, The God Who is Near
02/02/2023 - Our God Who is Able
01/19/2023 - Hello, My Name Is Almighty God
01/12/2023 - Fringe and Whispers
01/05/2023 - Choosing Faith Over Fear (Christ with you and in you)